Laser Eye Surgery and Cataract Surgery in Docklands
LASIK and PRK laser eye surgery is the best option for anyone seeking freedom from wearing prescription glasses or contact lenses.
As more and more people need to wear glasses from an early age, the demand for LASIK and PRK laser eye surgeries is increasing. Wearing glasses or contact lenses can be inconvenient or uncomfortable, especially if you have an active life and participate in outdoor sports. Laser eye surgery gives you completely natural vision, allowing you to enjoy your life to the fullest.
Dr Joanne Goh is an Australian and internationally trained cataract, refractive and corneal surgeon. With laser eye surgery and cataract surgery in Docklands, Dr Goh helps her patients achieve better vision using the most advanced technology.

LASIK Eye Surgery In Docklands
LASIK eye surgery corrects a range of prescriptions, including short-sightedness (myopia), long-sightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. LASIK is the most popular form of laser eye surgery due to its short downtime and quick visual recovery.
LASIK surgery involves creating and then lifting a flap to reshape the cornea underneath to correct your prescription. The flap is put back down at the end of the procedure, leaving the surface of the eye almost intact. The entire process is painless, and full visual recovery can be achieved from the very next day.
Rapid visual recovery and minimum downtime and discomfort are the main reasons LASIK surgery is popular across Australia.
PRK Laser Eye Surgery in Docklands
Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) is a completely non-touch technique as the cornea is reshaped directly on the surface without creating a flap. The surgery is also known as advanced surface laser ablation (ASLA).
Some of the benefits of PRK eye surgery are:
- It’s recommended for individuals with thin or unusually shaped cornea.
- Patients suffering from severe dry eyes can also get freedom from wearing glasses with PRK surgery.
- The surgery does not have the risk of late flap dislodgement like LASIK and may be more suitable for people who engage in certain contact sports.

Cataract Eye Surgery in Docklands
A cataract is a clouding of the natural crystalline lens of the eye. It is a common condition among older Australians as it is a normal part of aging. Younger people may also develop it due to other risk factors such as diabetes, trauma or steroid use.
The common symptoms of cataracts include blurred vision, glare symptoms at night, difficulties reading, and difficulties seeing in dim or llow contrast lighting. These symptoms can only be treated with cataract surgery.
Cataract surgery is a painless 20 minutes procedure that involves removing the cloudy lens and replacing it with a lens implant. It restores your sight and may also remove your need to wear glasses. Various lens implants are available on the market, and your surgeon will help you determine the most suitable one for you, considering your visual needs and lifestyle.
Contact Us:
Get in touch today for an appointment
City Eye Surgeons – St. Kilda Road, Melbourne (03) 9070 0955.

Specialist refractive surgeon

Personalised care

Customised treatment

Cutting edge, state-of-the-art technology

Committed to helping you achieve your goal of 20/20 vision

Specialised team
Booking a consultation
If you’re located in Richmond and would like to find out more about LASIK Eye Surgery, PRK Laser Eye Surgery and Cataract Surgery, please contact us on (03) 9070 0955 to book a consultation or click on the button below to request a call back.