
Simulation of vision with cataract.

In a healthy eye, the clear crystalline lens focuses light onto the retina at the back of the eye to form a clear image. With age, the lens becomes more cloudy, preventing light from passing through, causing hazy vision, much like looking out of a foggy window.

A cataract occurs when the natural clear crystalline lens of your eye becomes cloudy or opaque. It is a natural part of the aging process and is a common cause of gradual deterioration in our eyesight as we get older. In some cases, such as in diabetes or in eye trauma, cataracts can also affect younger people.

As your lens becomes more cloudy, less light reaches the retina, causing gradual deterioration in visual quality. Some other common symptoms of a cataract include:

  • Hazy or cloudy vision
  • Faded colour and contrast perception
  • Increased sensitivity to bright light
  • Glare or scattering of light at night
  • Frequent changes in glasses prescription (progressive shift towards short-sightedness)

If left untreated, a cataract can increasingly restrict daily activities and affect your quality of life. Modern cataract surgery not only aims to restore better quality vision but also reduce your dependence on glasses for a significantly improved quality of life.